I made Shigumchi namul today. It's a Korean side dish that both of my foreign students really like. It's basically blanched spinach that's been wrapped in a towel to dry and then cut into bite size pieces. A soy sauce / sesame oil dressing is then added. Washing the spinach is a bit of a pain but other than that it's an easy way to get tasty vegetables on the table. Sorry for the Ziploc container but that is what functions as a serving dish in my house.
I used a photo and have linked to your site. I notice your stats are low. Go to my blog at http://elwood5566.net/ and in blogroll you will find a link to The Korean Blog List. It is free to join and boosted my traffic to 3000 in six weeks. You site is really personal and useful and it is a shame for it not to be more shared. Perhaps a boost in stats will inspire some 2010 entries. Best wishes