Friday, August 14, 2009

Korean cooking from the beginning

For now I will start preparing recipes from my three favorite Korean cookbooks. I will be comparing and contrasting them as I expand my knowledge of Korean food. I will do my best to pass along what I’ve learned and the little tips that I already know. What I won’t be doing is giving you the entire recipes verbatim from the books. You should buy these cookbooks. The authors went to an incredible amount of work to get published these books and we should support them by purchasing the fruits of their very hard labor. I own at least three copies of each. If I have a recipe that is original to me, I will include it in its entirety.

The following books will be my reference materials along with quite a few other cookbooks and Korean food and culture books. These three are very worthy purchases:

I’m not recommending Amazon as the source of the books but it’s a good starting place to learn about them. Here is another link to A Korean Mother’s Cooking Notes with more information.

The next post will be about Korean style rice.